It is primarily a Marketing job. The FSE’s shall be directly responsible for Procuring New Business, Providing Policy Servicing and related jobs from the bank branches / other outlets allotted to them. They shall also carry out any other instructions given to them from time to time. For this purpose considerable movements including tours covering entire area allotted to them are involved.
Eligibilty Conditions:
Applicant shall possess the Bachelor’s Degree of a University in India established under a statute.
Preference may be given to those applicants who possess the Bachelor Degree or Diploma in Marketing /Management. Good working knowledge of English and also one Regional language preferably local language is desirable. Knowledge of soft skills such as Power Point / Word / Excel would be additional advantage.
The applicant shall have completed 21 years of age and not more than 35 years of age as on 31.10.2011.
Candidates satisfying the conditions of eligibility as on 31st October,2011 shall submit their Application in the format given below which shall be either hand-written in bold capitals or typewritten on foolscap size paper only. The Application should be properly signed.The following shall accompany the Application:
1. Demand Draft of Rs 100/- drawn in favour of LIC of India payable at KOLKATA towards application fees.
2. Attested Photocopy of Caste Certificate in respect of SC/ST/OBC candidates.
3. Attested Photocopy of Qualification Certificate and Age Proof.
4. Attested Photocopy of Discharge Certificate in respect of Ex-servicemen.
The candidates are advised to keep ready with them the originals and a set of attested photocopies of each of the certificates listed at item numbers 2,3 & 4 above for verification at the time of Interview if they qualify in the written test.
For further details please visit the following link on the LIC website
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