Monday, June 1, 2020

Will Job Market be subdued or pick up post Covid 19 & Lockdown !

With lockdown 4 coming to an end in a day or two, all the countrymen along with job seekers in our country are looking to their companies to be a savior for them amid crisis in job market during the lockdown phases all across the globe.

So the important question here is that how will the job market of India will be like from 1st June 2020 as its marking the end of lockdown with start of Unlock 1.0.

Almost all the business barring IT be it be from core sector of productions to civil to constructions to services all the setup are closed for more than two months now. The only one which are running and making profits are pharma and FMCG companies and its retailers & dealers.But there also companies are facing lots of heat with dwindling labour forces and increasing cost of input prices due to lesser supply and higher demands.

So our main discussion point is whether the job market will shoot up with greater than average number of recruitment or we will be seeing retrenchment going up with either cost cutting or advancement of technologies but the third question also comes up will there will availability of ample work force to be recruited as we have seen mass exodus of people from metro cities to rural areas.

Following are the scenarios which are likely to happen in coming days post lockdown and Covid 10 Pandemic in India :-

1. The companies including MSME shall go for automation resulting in less recruitment of people.

2. There may me slight lower job growth in the retail job market as skilled people have already gone back to their native places and shop owners are mostly managing the show by themselves or by their family members.

3. With Banks and financials giving moratorium for the loan as per the guidelines laid by Govt of India as well as Reserve Bank of India, there will very low or no recruitment in the financial market sectors. We may even see retrenchment in this sector.

4. The Information Technology and ITES sectors have already informed that there will be salary freeze but not new recruitment in the companies which includes announcement by India's largest recruiter Tata Consultancy Services. So in IT field there may not be any kind of new recruitment.

Hence in this tough scenarios , if you are thinking of changing your job for higher perks then its better idea to stick to your present company as when going is tough better to be stayed with your known people rather than venturing out as we have seen in the several startups there is has been a series of job losses.

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